Drunken IMs/Emails

Drunken IM/Email #4

Lindsay: heloo my friends
Lindsay: fr4iend
Lindsay: dangit!
LedZepTX: howdy lindsay
Lindsay: wazzzuup?
LedZepTX: you been drinking a little?
Lindsay: justg a bit
LedZepTX: figured
LedZepTX: hehe
Lindsay: what about y ou?
LedZepTX: completely sober
LedZepTX: about to do some homework
Lindsay: yeah, I thinlgfg O had wy too much
Lindsay: lol
Lindsay: I went sand sawe that guy
Lindsay: iuhh
Lindsay: Pat?
Lindsay: Pat grenn

Lindsay: yeah
LedZepTX: wow
Lindsay: yeah
LedZepTX: you would be funny to see now
Lindsay: I am awlll 3wey
Lindsay: we t
Lindsay: it osd rainign outside
LedZepTX: hehe
Lindsay: lol
LedZepTX: well, you have no choice but to strip down
LedZepTX: haha
Lindsay: I'm at y bf's housre
LedZepTX: hehe
Lindsay: I amddsio wet...yucky rain'
Lindsay: it sucks
LedZepTX: you will be stripping down anyways if you are there
LedZepTX: hah
Lindsay: yep
Lindsay: jk
Lindsay: lol
LedZepTX: right...yes you will
Lindsay: lol...Chri ia wtrying to take his socks off
Lindsay: ansd t he can't
LedZepTX: hehe
Lindsay: he is too cd4runk
Lindsay: lol
Lindsay: lol
Lindsay: lol
Lindsay: I am making macaroni and cheese
LedZepTX: sounds fun
Lindsay: yeah
Lindsay: I cmabn't cook for anythikgn
LedZepTX: I bet not
Lindsay: wow
LedZepTX: you are damn drunk
Lindsay: itd' saolt harder to typ0e3 pwhen you cnt ser striahgy
LedZepTX: bet it is
Lindsay: lol
Lindsay: Pat grteen rocks
Lindsay: brb...gotta check otn muy fpppd
Lindsay: ok
Lindsay: tstikkll goty 3 mins
Lindsay: wehat did you do tonight
Lindsay: ?
LedZepTX: not much at all
Lindsay: really5r?

Lindsay: whery not/
Lindsay: not party?
LedZepTX: I try not to party on thursday
LedZepTX: I have an 8am basketball class
LedZepTX: so, what all did you drink tonight?
Lindsay: hmmm
Lindsay: couple of shots pof mr morasgn
Lindsay: gotta go
Lindsay: bye bye
Lindsay: grtoodngit5hd
LedZepTX: goodnight
Lindsay: beyr bye
Lindsay signed off at 12:57:29 AM.

Note: Screen name changed to protect the guilty.

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